Pink Himalayan Salt is a type of salt that has a pink color from the minerals in the salt. Many people believe that eating Himalayan salt regularly will improve your health in many ways, as it is rich in 84 minerals and is less salty than white salt.

For pink salt, it is different from regular salt in that it has more minerals. The pink color comes from iron oxide or iron, which makes the salt pink. In addition to eating, pink salt is also useful in terms of spa, massage, or mixing in water and soaking in water with pink salt , which is good for health.
Pink Himalayan Salt is made up of the chemical sodium chloride. And has a saltier taste than regular table salt , but it is lower in sodium. A quarter teaspoon of regular table salt contains 581 milligrams of sodium. While the same amount of pink salt contains 388 milligrams. This may help you use less salt when seasoning your food and reduce your sodium intake.
However, the additional minerals found in pink salt that are different from regular salt only account for 2 percent. Which is consider a very small proportion. The remaining 98 percent is sodium chloride or regular salt. Therefore, consuming pink salt may not have much different benefits from white salt.
For Pink Himalayan Salt ufabet It is a dry product that can be store for about 3 years. The expiration date is only a rough estimate. However, if we do not store it well, or open it without closing the bag or lid tightly. There is a chance that we will get other contaminants in the food into our bodies.
In addition, the benefits of pink salt in spa treatments are also believe to help you sleep better. Improve your respiratory system and sinus health. And help absorb dirt, remove toxins from your skin, and deeply cleanse your pores because the minerals in the salt help maintain the balance of water under your skin.
Eating pink salt is the same as eating foods that are sources of sodium. In 1 day, the recommendation is not to exceed 2,000 milligrams/day. If we eat a large amount, it makes the kidneys work harder and the heart work harder. For those with high blood pressure, it will be harder to control the blood pressure. Therefore, caution is given to those with health problems who need to control the amount of sodium entering the body, such as those with kidney disease, liver disease, and heart failure.